Circulation for packages in companies
From July 1, 2022, most companies and public administration and service providers have had to collect municipal waste generated in their operations separately. How should the waste be sorted?
Waste must be collected separately if the following is generated in the company:
- plastic packaging waste 5 kg per week,
- paper and cardboard packaging waste 5 kg per week,
- glass packaging waste 2 kg per week,
- metal waste 2 kg per week and
- biowaste at least 10 kg per week.
If possible, other waste must also be collected separately and sent for recycling. The obligation applies to companies in urban areas and in service, tourism and workplace areas.
Companies often produce large quantities of one or more types of packaging. Recycling business packaging is significantly easier than miscellaneous consumer packaging.
Clean packaging materials can easily be used in material recycling. Clean and high-quality packaging waste can be an excellent raw material.
How to get started:
- Identify the accumulating packaging types and map their quantity
- Arrange the transportation of generated waste to a receiving terminal
- Choose the collection containers suitable for your premises, we will help you with the selection
- Guide and ensure users’ sorting skills
- Motivate
- Begin collecting
- Follow up on the progress
I’ll help your company get started with packaging collection and recycling.
Please be in touch
Katja Laitinen
Recycling coach
+358 50 407 3959
- Clear sorting instructions and collecting equipment
- Adequate guidance
- Possible preliminary work before putting the package in the collection container
- removal of parts
- cleansing
- etiquettes
- foreign substances/materials
- Correct way to pack

Watch the video from the Ministry of the Environment How companies must sort their waste (in Finnish)