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Sumppu pop-up collection point for packaging starts up in summer 2023

Finnish Plastics Recycling Ltd (FPR) and Urbaser Ltd enable separate collection of packaging in consumer events with the help of an efficient, mobile pop-up collection point. The CombiMax SMARTSolar waste compactors provided by Europress Group Ltd are powered by solar panels.

Sumppu is a service for all kinds of short-term events organized in Finland, where there is a need for sorting packaging waste. A big waste collection container with two compartments for metal and glass packaging as well as two compactors – one for plastic packaging and one for paper and cardboardton packaging – will be brought to the venue. The skip and the compactors enable the collection of even large volumes of packaging without intermediate emptying. The producer community and its members, that is the companies who take care of their packaging producer responsibility, offer the Sumppu collection equipment and free reception of common, correctly sorted consumer packaging waste.

”Sumppu collection point encourages people to collect packaging which is used as raw material for new products and to reduce the unpleasant littering of event venues. FPR wants to improve packaging collection rates, and this service offers consumers an opportunity to sort correctly and to reduce the amount of packaging in mixed waste”, says Mika Surakka, the Managing Director of FPR.

Urbaser Ltd provides nationwide environmental management services. Their services also include comprehensive event services and Sumppu is now a significant part of this service package. Urbaser Ltd. handles Sumppu orders, transports and other practical arrangements.

The Europress CombiMax SMARTSolar waste compactor is powered by solar panels. Thus, the collection point does not require mains power to operate, and for emergency power batteries can be charged with ordinary mains power. The compactor operates silently, but is equally efficient as a mains power operated compactor.

For more information, please contact:

Mika Surakka, Managing Director of Finnish Plastics Recycling Ltd
+358 400 197 848

Jukka Koivisto, Managing Director of Urbaser Ltd
+358 40 822 7625

Sumi Oy on virallinen pakkaustuottajayhteisö, jonka tehtävänä on vastata laissa yrityksille säädetystä pakkausten tuottajavastuun toteutuksesta.

Urbaser Oy on valtakunnallisesti toimiva ympäristöhuollon palvelutoimittaja, joka tuottaa jätehuollon osa- ja kokonaispalveluita kaupan ja teollisuuden sekä julkisen sektorin asiakkaille.

Europress Group Oy on 1977 perustettu, suomalainen älykkäiden jätepuristimien ja -paalaimien valmistaja ja markkinajohtaja Pohjois-Euroopassa. Kehittämällämme älykkäällä SMART-teknologialla tehostamme asiakkaidemme jätehuoltoa vastuullisesti ja turvallisesti.