Bulletin 15 August 2023

Finnish Plastics Recycling is now called Sumi Ltd – the name change follows the service range expansion to cover all packaging materials
We request all those concerned to update the name in any databases. The company’s e-mail addresses will also be updated.
The producer responsibility organisation formerly known as Finnish Plastics Recycling (Suomen Uusiomuovi) is now called Sumi Ltd. The new name was entered in the Trade Register on 7 August 2023. Sumi was established in 1992, which makes it one of the oldest producer responsibility organisations for packaging in Europe.
The name change came up on the agenda when Sumi expanded its service range to cover all packaging materials in compliance with the statutory obligation. In addition to plastic packaging, the company handles the producer responsibility obligation for the recycling of metal, glass, cardboard and wood packaging as required by the Extended Producer Responsibility Act.
“In discussions in the field, people have referred to us as Sumi for quite some time,” says CEO Mika Surakka. “The new name that has now been made official is concise and efficient, just like we are as an organisation. We began to prepare the name change right away when the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Pirkanmaa confirmed our position as a producer responsibility organisation for all packaging materials this spring.
Sumi’s transition to cover all packaging materials manifests itself in the company’s operations as an expansion of the organisation, new services and an even more active dialogue with the customers.
For example, Sumi provides companies with various training courses on the sorting of packaging waste. The company also helps packaging producers in a variety of ways, such as providing information to support designing recyclable packaging.
“We want to be a close partner to our customers and help to simplify and streamline their operations,” says Chairman of Sumi’s Board of Directors Antti Tiilikainen. “The day-to-day and future of the arrangements to recycle packaging are built together. We are happy to listen to the needs of packaging producers to be able to provide insights and solutions that benefit them.”
“Never hesitate to contact us if you need assistance.”
Examples of the new kinds of services are the KELPO recyclability calculator for plastic packaging, which Sumi developed together with Muovipoli, and the Sumppu pop-up collection point for packaging, which was launched in the summer of 2023.
Sumi’s role in society is to fulfil the producer responsibility obligations related to the recycling of packaging at a high level of quality. The company is developing more environmentally friendly solutions for the value chain of packaging. Sumi promotes increasing the collection and recycling rate of packaging and the sensible reuse of packaging materials, thereby reducing society’s carbon footprint and saving natural resources.
What will change?
We kindly request all those concerned to change the name of our company to Sumi Ltd in any databases. Our business ID will remain the same 0905402-1.
The e-mail addresses of our employees will be changed to the format @sumi.fi. You can start using the new e-mails immediately. The old e-mail addresses will be discontinued by the end of the year.
The process of updating the logos, names and contact details in our web pages and materials will begin right away.
More information:
Mika Surakka, CEO, Sumi Ltd
+358 400 197 848
Sumi represents a diverse group of companies and listens to their voices equally. The cooperation is based on open, ethical and fair business and sustainable development. We have built the strongest network in the field and promise to expedite the collection, recycling and reuse of packaging materials through it.