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Packaging recycling developer in Finland

Sumi Oy is an authorized extended producer responsibility organization in Finland.
Almost 4.000 companies have made a contract with us.
We are a non-profit organization founded in 1992 with 33 owner companies.

Invoicing information

Sumi Oy
VAT nr FI09054021

E-invoice address: 003709054021
Operator: Apix Messaging Oy 
Operator address: 003723327487

Invoicing by email:
Sumi Oy

Please, make sure the email address is also in the address field of the invoice
and please state order number/name as a reference

Invoicing by mail to:
Sumi Oy
P O Box 16122

Suomen Maatalousmuovien Kierrätys Oy
Y-tunnus: 3350659-3

E-invoice address: 003709054021
Operator: Apix Messaging Oy
Operator address: 003723327487

Invoicing by email:

Sumi Åland
VAT nr AB34346472

Sumi Sorting Oy
VAT nr FI34498978